We GiveBecause We Believe

We believe in God’s Word. Our obedience to give reflects our faith that God can do so much more than what we can imagine with our gift. 

The Mount gives 10% of everything it receives to make a difference through our partners in ministry.

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God… Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” – 1 Timothy 6:17-18

How could God use what He first shared with you to impact new communities, and new people with the Good News of Jesus Christ? Will you take this BOLD STEP with us?

More WaysTo Give

ON THE MOUNT APP OR WEBSITE: On the app, click the GIVE icon and select GIVE ONLINE, or click the GIVE ONLINE button above.

ON CAMPUS: Giving drop boxes and kiosks are available at every campus. If giving cash, use a giving envelope with your full name and address.

ON YOUR PHONE: Text “give” to 540-274-5209, and you’ll receive a return text with a link to give to Mount Ararat.

BY MAIL: You can also mail a check to The Mount Church, 1112 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22556.

Trips& Events

Taking a trip or attending one of our events? You can make a payment here.

Weekday Preschool

Easily enroll or pay your preschooler’s tuition here.


Giving Statements
Not just at tax time, but anytime, you can review your giving.
Budgeting Tools
Useful resources to help you take a step in giving.

Have A Question?

We’re ready to help. Our finance team is a click away.