What to expectSunday Morning

You’ll want to be in the auditorium when worship with the live band starts! We’ll then connect with our Stafford Campus for the message that day. You can download The Mount App to get Message Notes and a Connect Card right on your phone.

Campus PastorAndrew Brothers

Hello Fredericksburg! I’m Pastor Andrew Brothers. My wife Miranda and our three children, Aurora, Lily, and Cedric are excited to be in the community. My journey with Christ began at the age of 13, and by 14, I felt a profound calling to ministry. Pursuing this calling, led me to Trinity Baptist College where I received a B.A. in Missions.

Our last chapter had us serve as missionaries in Poland for 2.5 years, an experience that deeply shaped our hearts and perspectives. Now, returning to the States, we bring with us a deeper love for fostering Christ-centered community and a commitment to making multiplying disciples of Jesus. Jacksonville, Florida, has been our home until now, and we’re thrilled to share our love for Christ and our desire to serve others with the Fredericksburg community.

We’re eager to meet each of you and embark on this exciting adventure of faith and service together as we aim to be a church for ONE MORE.

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